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Library History

Just over 100 years ago Charles Benjamin Reed Hazeltine donated $5000 in memory of his father Pardon.  The elder Hazeltine served as town supervisor and clerk during the 1830’s.  His will directed a library to be built as near as possible to the 5 corners in Busti and he directed the Town of Busti to provide suitable quarters for the books.  Funds from the estate of Fanny Jones were also used to establish the library.

On December 22, 1922 the library was granted a certificate to establish and in 1924 a new library opened in the Busti Town Hall.  In 1934 a dedicated building was constructed on the site the library occupies now, in 1975 an addition was added and in 2004 the building was renovated to create more space for patrons and the growing library collection.

Recently the library has installed new interior lighting, added exterior lights, removed the brick sign and done other repairs and renovations that will set the stage for the next century of library service.